
Performance You Can Trust

You need beton en brandwerende solutions that meet the highest industry standards. All Geopolymer Solutions products undergo rigorous testing testing to verify compliance and sustainability.

Testen en naleving


Brand met fakkel en slangenstroomtest

5.000 Uur Zoutneveltest

Zoutneveltest van 10.000 uur

Conform ASTM C1157

Testen op zuurbestendigheid


Chloride-, sulfaat- en koolwaterstofbestendigheidstests

Druksterkte testen

Testen van buig- en treksterkte

Testen op vorstdooiweerstand

Environmental Product Declarations

Red Mud Cold Fusion Cement

Cold Fusion Cement A100

Safety Datasheets

Koud fusiebeton

Build a Stronger, More Sustainable Future

Stop relying on outdated materials that increase costs and environmental impact. Upgrade to GPS fireproofing and concrete solutions—the industry’s strongest, most sustainable choice.
