Green Concrete—Discover the Benefits of Sustainable Geopolymer Concrete
Geopolymer concrete offers an environmentally friendly solution for architects, builders, and project managers, enabling sustainable construction and superior quality.
Geopolymer concrete offers an environmentally friendly solution for architects, builders, and project managers, enabling sustainable construction and superior quality.
One of the most costly challenges in the petrochemical industry today is managing corrosion under insulation(CUI) and corrosion under fireproofing (CUF). The most simplistic description of corrosion on steel is rust.
Steel loses approximately 50% of its load-bearing capacity when it reaches 1,000oF (537oC). Accordingly, all structural steel buildings and industrial plants with human occupants must be protected from fire events to allow rescuers time to evacuate structures.
Geopolymer concrete can withstand extreme heat without a problem, unlike Portland cement which faces extreme age degradation and carbonation when heated.
Pictures present acid resistance tests performed on Cold Fusion Concrete, with Portland Cement Concrete samples tested in the same acid and concentration. Try to guess which samples are Cold Fusion Concrete.
Pictures present a demonstration conducted at an extremely reputable coatings company using Cold Fusion Concrete FP250, and the Coating Company’s equipment.
Pictures present the construction of a Nitric Acid secondary containment using Cold Fusion Concrete A260.
Pictures present several segments of one of our many visits to Underwriter Laboratories, LLC, where our Cold Fusion FP250 material underwent extensive analysis for certification and design purposes.
Pictures present an event that occurred at Geopolymer Solutions' plant in Conroe, Texas. An extremely reputable coatings company brought their equipment and sprayed our Cold Fusion Concrete A220 series material in a dry mix gunite application.
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